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Fresh Badge Generator

A Web 2.0 badge generator. You know, those spiky oval graphics with text in the center?

Your Votes: 5 Yays  16 Nays


A free Web 2.0 service for creating webpages with real-time editing, drag and drop, widgets, and more.

Your Votes: 9 Yays  15 Nays

Using CSS and Unordered List Items to Do Just About Anything

A look at some possibilities with HTML lists and a little bit of CSS.

Your Votes: 11 Yays  2 Nays

Step Carousel Viewer

A jQuery based script that displays images or rich HTML by side scrolling them left or right. Users can step to any specific content on demand or sequentially.

Your Votes: 10 Yays  8 Nays

Evaluating the Wordpress 2.5 Interface

Wordpress 2.5's interface overhaul is getting closer to fruition. Here are Kyle Meyer's thoughts on it so far.

Your Votes: 9 Yays  3 Nays

Simplicity On The Web: Designing To Hide Features

Hiding features on a web site is a trick used by many successful companies. Here are some examples.

Your Votes: 4 Yays  4 Nays


ScrnShots is a way to share your screenshots of web and screen based design. Upload as many screenshots as you want, embed them in your blog, discuss them etc.

Your Votes: 7 Yays  0 Nays

The Evolution of Websites: How 10 Popular Websites Have Changed

A look at the evolution of 10 popular web sites, such as Apple, CNN, ESPN etc.

Your Votes: 10 Yays  1 Nays

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